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The company’s founders entered into the healthcare sector in 2003 with Göksel Kimya Kozmetik Medikal Co. Ltd. in addition to existing Göksel Tekstil Co. Ltd., which has woven fabric production since 1980. Göksel Kimya Kozmetik Medikal Co. Ltd., of which its target is to submit the medical disposables and speciality products needed by the healthcare sector customers under high quality assurance, mainly for the cardiovascular surgery, disposable medical products and hospital textile.
The roots of VeniMed, which brings its 38-year textile life together with the high quality and impeccable service quality, is based on Göksel Tekstil Co. Ltd. founded in 1980. VeniMed, which constituted the sales and marketing leg of Göksel Kimya Kozmetik Co. Ltd. founded in 2003, crowned its experience and knowledge with the customer-oriented vision.
VeniMed has a product range composed of our manufacture and imported products on the cardiovascular surgery, hospital textile particularly disposable gowns, drapes and sets.
Our facility has the ISO 9001:2008 and ISO 13485:2003 certificates as well CE to product safety including raw material standards (such as EN 13795) related to all of our products.